Page name: The Fuck Page [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2005-06-01 03:16:01
Last author: Yanaba
Owner: Yanaba
# of watchers: 9
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sorry......can't cyber here anymore........any cybering that occurs here will be deleted. If you want to cyber that's your own business, just can't do it here. again sorry for any inconvenience.

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[Alkor]: lmfao.

[Aleka]: ;P

[Yanaba]: LOL

[Alkor]: hhehehe

[Yanaba]: ooh! how'd u get the letters on your name to look like that?

[Alkor]: Lmfao...a secret

[Alkor]: hehehe

[Animal*Girl]: hehe.

[Alkor]: Hows it going?

[Aleka]: lol... their in italics! god i wish i remembered html.... life is going!

[Yanaba]: html would be nice right now.....i could make my other pages look so much better....yes...going

[Aleka]: .....going?

[Yanaba]: you said "life is going!" i was just agreeing

[Aleka]: and i guess i should have stated the whole question i had... going where?

[Yanaba]: under there-------->

[Alkor]: ?

[Yanaba]: lol

[Aleka]: i refuse to be taken in by that ! refuse! ....

[Yanaba]: c' know u wanna say it...

[Shadow Reaper]: under where? :P

[Alkor]: hahaha made you sid underwear

[Shadow Reaper]: lol someone had to say it sometime ^^

[Yanaba]: was supposed to say "made u say underwear" well

[Alkor]: same thing you

[Yanaba]: ???

[Alkor]: opps :S

[Yanaba]: im sooo lost.....

[Alkor]: me to baby

[thispersonisgone]: I wanna suck pussy real bad! bring it on! Im naked

[Yanaba]: sorri...i'm not into girls, but maybe one of the man whores would like to satisfy your needs

[Shadow Reaper]: *blinkblink*

[thispersonisgone]: go to my wiki! search FUCK BUDDIES in the wiki search! U WILL THANK ME

[Aleka]: .....ummm.... i'm sure i would.... god why am i so currious about these things...? why?...

[Shadow Reaper]: heh, i became curious, and now i have one owner....

[Aleka]: hmmm.... interesting... here i thought it'd be porn.... but that is actually an interesting concept....

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 you've gone to the page?

[Aleka]: lol yeah

[Heartless_Angel]: Hi reaper *evil smile*

[Aleka]: curiousity killed the cat.... but satisfaction brought it back ;)

[Shadow Reaper]: *cough* hi Fou ^^;

[Aleka]: you already have one owner? you should tell me how that goes... i don't know if i wanna... but i might become one.... someday

[Heartless_Angel]: Just be a owner much easier...*evil grin*

[Shadow Reaper]: << yeah, like Fou said...^^;; you get more toys to play with ^__^

[Aleka]: lol.... hmmm... i might.... but then i have so many man whores on my man whore site... do i really need to own people... hmm... i'll consider it

[Heartless_Angel]: *hugs his pet*

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs a bit and hugs back*

[Heartless_Angel]: ^___^ youd make a cute bunny...maybe a kitty

[Shadow Reaper]: *blinkblink* ^^;; i think i'll stick with the dragon/wolf demon

[Heartless_Angel]: Awww that reminds me it says in the rules must have sex....Dont worry you can wait till tommaroow

[Shadow Reaper]: lol well, i'm open all the time, so it doesn't matter to me

[Heartless_Angel]: *evil grin* So you WANT to start tonight eh?

[Shadow Reaper]: *laughs* like i said, matters not to me ^^

[Shadow Reaper]: Oro? *wonders where everyone went*

[Heartless_Angel]: Im waiting for you to message me you dummy --'''

[Shadow Reaper]: o0 lol you should have said something then

[Aleka]: LOL... ahh... what a wonderful moment...

[Shadow Reaper]: *coughs* ^^;; what?

[Yanaba]: woah! first lesbians asking for dunno...what did i miss???

[Heartless_Angel]: IM MALE!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Yanaba]: i know....just last time i was on here there was a lesbian wanting sex....

[Heartless_Angel]: *calms down* I need to make that clear im male!

[Yanaba]: ok....but the lesbian comment wasn't supposed to be about was actually quite the older comments link below to see what i'm talking about

[Heartless_Angel]: *nods* yes I know...was here for that

[Yanaba]: okay...just checking. So how ya doing?

[Heartless_Angel]: playing with me pet!

[Yanaba]: Oo....that could mean sooo many things. lol

[Heartless_Angel]: I know that

[Shadow Reaper]: lol actually that girl was bi i think ^^

[Yanaba]: she was really horny lol

[Alkor]: *walks in*

[Yanaba]: hello

[Alkor]: Um....hi

[Yanaba]: how are u?

[Alkor]: Pretty good I guess. Just got home and shit..Im like, not gonna talk her as much I used to. Just once in awhile..Hows you?

[Aleka]: got home and shitted? no umm... sorry.. i couldn't help it... you left it so open... don't hurt me

[Alkor]: NO, i did not get home and took a shit. goddamn. Not in the mood to deal with anyone.

[Yanaba]: uh...i think she meant it as a joke.......

[Alkor]: It cerrtainlly didn't sound like if but even if she did, i take things seriously when im damn pissed and you people should have known that LONG TIME ago but I guess YOU don't. Obbviously NOONE listens/pays attention to me anyway so why bother.

[Yanaba]: we do know that you take things seriously when you're pissed, that's why i'm just saying that she meant it as a joke. Please don't take it the wrong way. Mary's a really nice person and likes to joke around....especially if someone is feeling bad. That's her way of cheering them up

[Aleka]: ....i didn't even realize you were pissed... if i had i wouldn't have said anything... since all you do is get even more pissed when i say anything to help... sorry...

[Alkor]: I dont get pissed when somone trying to help. Im not like that and you know that.

[Yanaba]: well, she was trying to help cheer you up by cracking a joke

[Aleka]: i'm sorry... i don't really know what else i can say

[Alkor]: *walks in*

[**star**]: good evening everyone

[Shadow Reaper]: hmm, evening

[Yanaba]:'s evening and it doesn't feel like it!  I hate day light savings time!........they make u get up sooooo early......

[Shadow Reaper]: lol....grrr.....*pouts* someone's got me aroused, and no one's around to....take it out on....--

[Aleka]: lol! poor baby!

[Shadow Reaper]: *pouts some more* mm hmm

[Aleka]: tsk tsk.... i hope someone helps you out ... ;P

[Shadow Reaper]: :P well, considering how long ago that was..i did get some help ^^

[Aleka]: lol! excellent!

[Shadow Reaper]: lol tell me about it ;)

[Aleka]: lol

[Shadow Reaper]: ^^;; but now i have the same problem....

[Yanaba]: oh no!

[Shadow Reaper]: --; yeah

[Aleka]: lol.... geeze.... lol... my brain just died....

[Aleka]: yup its still gone

[Shadow Reaper]: lol how'd that happen?

[Aleka]: ....i don't know

[Aleka]: its just gone....

[Aleka]: ...yeah... still missing....

[Aleka]: well... its sorta returned today... but that movie in english killed it a little more... stupid hamlet.... why can't they talk like me? it would make me happy!

[Shadow Reaper]: lol which hamlet was it? was it the mel gibson one?

[Alkor]: *walks in. sits on ground and tried to sleep*

[Aleka]: ....there's a mel gibson one!?!?!? omg!! why aren't we watching that?!!!!!!!

[Alkor]: Dont think mel gibbson plays in Hamlet hun

[Shadow Reaper]: there's a mel gibson version of hamlet, trust me...we watched it in english

[Yanaba]: what about the ethan halk must at least have themes we can relate to

[Shadow Reaper]: eh....o0

[Alkor]: *tries to sleep on the ground*

[Aleka]: i just wanna stop watching it... it hurts my brain

[Yanaba]: why couldn't we do something interperate Alice in Wonderland or something....??

[Shadow Reaper]: :P who knows

[Aleka]: lol.... isn't that what miles' english class is doing?

[FF/Med . Johnson]: hey how do you make a room?? i wanna join!!

[Aleka]: message [Yanaba] and she'll get you set up

[Bade]: I am lookin for an avalible hooker

[Aleka]: it's suddenly very busy around here... but i'm sure someone is available somewhere

[Yanaba]: yup....miles' gots it easy....damn reg english! well, at least they don't have the chance of getting out of freshman college eng! (muhahahahaha)

[Aleka]: actually berni... if you get a high enough score, some colleges will only make you take maybe one year of english for your whole high school career

[Yanaba]: omg!...but i'm not that smart, esp in the speech portion of eng. so i'm screwed in that aspect with my college :)  we shouldn't be studying hamlet though.....stupid van ort....WE SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR OUR TEST DAMNIT!....i've got sooo much to do this week!

[Aleka]: well... i took the practice AP Calculas AB test without any studying or reviewing of any kind... and i got a 3... so i guess aiming for a 3 on the actual test is deemening so i should say i'm go for 4 on all the AP tests... english, calculas AB, and chemistry... dear god!! shoot me now!!

[Alkor]: .............

[Aleka]: no seriously i think i need someone to kill me before i kill myself by slowly torturing my brain into a thick mush... i'd rather be dead than brain dead!

[Alkor]: Why you want somone to kill you?

[Aleka]: b/c i've got to much to do

[Alkor]: That's part of life Mary. You just have to deal with it. You'r in the real world. Life is full of confussion, things to do, ect. You just cannt kill you'r self cause you got things to do Mary. That's what life is all about. Thing's to do. You just cannt sit around and do nothing while you tell somone what to do or w.e. You just got to learn and deal with it. Pretty soon once you find something easy to get rid of all that shit to do then you will get the hang of it and will be much happeir. You don't see me trying to kill myself Mary. My life is full of that shit to. But, do you see me wanting to kill myself cause of it? NO! I handled it fine.

[Alkor]: I found something easier to do to get rid of all those problems like no other. I found what I was suppose to do and get rid of those busy things. The question i'm asking, is Can YOU?

[Aleka]: ...thankyou... i'm thrilled that you figured things out and all... but i wasn't even close to be surious about killing myself... i enjoy life to much so the adventure of death can wait till i have to experience it... but thankyou very much for caring... it makes me feel all warm inside to know that you don't want me to commit suicide 8D

[Alkor]: *blinks*

[Aleka]: *huggles anthony*

[Alkor]: gtg

[Aleka]: bye

[you either love me or want to be me!]: (<poll:51148> do the poll pewwz ..... and vote.E tankoo peeepls

[KinkFox]: Mmm, I'd take a room or make a room but, I dont think you people are ready for this -><img50*0:> and most of you would freak out at seeing either 1. an anthro or 2. a herm so both at once, you know... your just not nearly kinky enough for me ;)

[Shadow Reaper]: oO ^^ actually, that sounds like it'd be fun

[KinkFox]: Well your 18+ so if you want I can send you my freewebs page and you can see for yourself if you think it'd be fun ;)

[Shadow Reaper]: ^^ yeah, checked it out. definitely some interesting pics there

[KinkFox]: thanks ^~

[Aleka]: lol.... you people are funny!

[KinkFox]: You'll moan alot more than you'll laugh if you're one on one with me, that i pretty much guarantee ;)

[Aleka]: lol! aww... you made a rhyme!! i love that! can i steal it?

[KinkFox]: "You'll moan more than laugh when alone with me, this and much more I can guarantee." Sure, just give me credit ;)

[Aleka]: damnit... now i'm gonna have to remember that you said that and quote your name everytime i use it... grr... but thankyou for letting me use it 8D

[KinkFox]: just remember me as Foxx then. It's my character name and YiffChat account

[Aleka]: alright... i'll do my best 8) thanks

[KinkFox]: its my self-appointed job to please, by any means necissary ^~

[Aleka]: 8D.... really? ... oh the things that come to mind ;P

[KinkFox]: keep them coming to mind. got 'em all? now i take a look at them. and the answer is as far as i know always yes. ;)

[Aleka]: lol! you seem like the type that would be down for pratically anything... i find that extremely amusing actually

[KinkFox]: Commonly referred to as chaosexual. Its all good.

[Aleka]: there's an actual term? i'm learning alot today! between furries that are both male and female and these terms i'm ready to go scare the shit out of my buddies

[KinkFox]: Male "parts" added onto a female body is known as a hermaphrodite, or just herm. We even call ourselves by our own pronouns. He/She -> Shi or sometimes Sie, and Him/Her -> Hir

[Aleka]: wow.. who comes up with all these technical terms?? are they in a book somewhere or have they been around for a while?

[KinkFox]: I dunno but they're almost universally used online. I have much else I could teach you if I had my own room here, but I don't =P

[Aleka]: lol... don't talk to me about a room... talk to [Yanaba]... or i could talk to her for you... i don't think she's been online in the last week but then its been really hectic for both of us irl so i guess that's to be expected...

[KinkFox]: S'alright. I'm only hovering around until someone takes intrest. My 'teaching' (I'm a professor of kinkology =P) is done off of elftown for the vast majority.

[Aleka]: lol! you should be the elftown god of kinkyness... lol... i wonder if they actually give that title to someone...

[KinkFox]: I've already taken YiffChat by storm. ;) Speeking of which, I think I'll go and protect my title. Feel free to join me ;)

[KinkFox]: And I'd be either god or goddesss depending what form I'm in at the time. Uploading two new pics to my request-access-only freewebs page art gallary ;)

[Aleka]: lol!! i'm glad your so versatile. 8D

[KinkFox]: I've 'yiffed' at least 30 individual people, 14 of them more than once, and 7 of them regularly

[Aleka]: wow... keeping yourself busy?

[KinkFox]: pretty busy. Usually a threesome at least once a day helps. Its pretty much a back-to-back marathon

[KinkFox]: Hm, I might be interrested, but do you classify a gender-shifting herm as a lady or not? :P

[Kanza]: hey i was wondering as my 1st time cud u teach me what there is too know about kinkiness?

[KinkFox]: Sure. Kinkiness is all about the unusual. Bondage, fetishes, and multiple partners are the rules of thumb. fetishes range from almost anything, from latex and balloons to water and showers to herms and gendershifters, growth, shrinking to the size of a toy, even being swallowed alive by both the lips of the mouth and cunt.

[Kanza]: shesh! thats a hell load of that!

[Animal*Girl]: hi;)

[Aleka]: fascinating

[Yanaba]: hello people!

[Animal*Girl]: hi;)

[theblade]: lol sounds fun

[Yanaba]: i, being a really lazy person, decided not to read any of the above comments because..well, i'm lazy, so i just decided to put "hello people" and start a new convo

[Aleka]: missing out berni

[Yanaba]: eh....i'll read it.....someday

[Aleka]: ....i doubt you

[Yanaba]: woah......i just read it.....

[Aleka]: lol yeah

[theblade]: that blows

[Aleka]: ....8{ i know... but et is on our asses to do something so we're trying to figure out what that something will be

[Yanaba]: she wanted to make everything private forums....i'm only suggesting this and maybe the pictures to become private. If that doesn't work then it might have to go.

[Aleka]: ehh.. cybering never did anything for me anyway... just a way to pass the time

[Yanaba]: yeah....honestly, i just made it so no one would do it on the main wikis anymore....that was kinda.......shocking.......that's an appropriate word

[Aleka]: yeah... some things should only be done in pm... not in the public eye... and they always did it right in the middle of a conversation, it was freaking frustrating to come back and have to search for the last thing some one said to you with all the crap in the way

[Yanaba]: i said i don't mind it being a private thing or just getting deleted.......for the sake of everyone else though maybe a private thing, but.....i don't really care....i felt kinda guilty everytime i had to do it anyway.......

[Aleka]: i didn't feel anything... i got really bored with it though... people would just do the same things over and over and over again and pretty sooon i was like okay ummm i'll bite you just b/c i've got nothing better to do but moan

[Yanaba]: well, i'll see what lerune says and delete it if i have to

[Aleka]: cool cool... w/e works

[Animal*Girl]: boring

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